Ancestral Connection Sigil

Ancestral Connection Sigil by LTZ
This sigil is designed to aid you in making contact and communing with the deceased. It was especially crafted with the goal of bringing wisdom from our ancestors into the future.

What Elements Went into the Sigil

  • Connection, reading through the veil safely (per the user’s perception and understanding of the veil)
  • Drawing wisdom and strength from the ancestors to bring forward into the future
  • Aid in personal growth
  • Building community growth
  • Providing vision and clarity
  • Healing and understanding
  • Release from perpetuating harmful cycles

Suggestions for Use

Use this sigil in meditation and ritual when honoring the deceased, the beloved and Mighty Dead,etc. Add the sigil to your ancestral/Hallows/Samhain altar, apply it to a candle (white, black, red, or silver is recommended—follow your intuition), or place it near or on a container of incense that has been blended to honor the dead.