Artist. Author. Witch.

Weave the Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff

Books & Decks

Award-winning unique witchcraft guides and inspiring oracle cards to hone your craft.

Brigid painting on wood by Laura Tempest Zakroff


Surreal and mystical original art on stickers, stationary, flags, ritual items, and more.

detail from Star Goddess - Beyond the Divine Twins by Laura Tempest Zakroff

Classes & Events

Small, live, interactive classes on witchcraft, tarot, and sigils; online and at esoteric conventions.

smoking cauldron
Sigil by LTZ


Guidance in creating and using sigils for intentional influence that transforms life and practice


Instruction in sacred ritual dance to connect mind, body, and spirit through transcendent movement.

decorative blue swoosh

About Laura Tempest Zakroff


An artist, author, and fusion bellydance performer, Rhode Island-based Renaissance Witch Laura Tempest Zakroff is a simmering cauldron of talents and projects. 

She penned the award-winning “Sigil Witchery,” as well as a library’s worth of tomes on modern witchcraft. A professionally trained visual artist as well, her talent in weaving meaning into design shines through in her oracle decks, which feature her original mystical folklore-inspired artwork.  Her musical collaborations and transcendent dance round out the performance layer of her multidimensional artistry. 

Although her craft may cover a wide range, she ties it all together as a steadfast mentor in modern witchcraft. She is a facilitator of social change for witches and pagans, and founded the grassroots movement We Are Aradia to inspire others to take a stand through both magical and mundane activism. The many events and festivals she has produced have done much to educate the public and foster community among modern witches everywhere. Tempest’s “Witchual Workout” videos help foster physical and energetic strength through ritually-inspired movement. Come, watch her weave the threads of visual, auditory, verbal, and somatic art into a movement to take back our power as witches.

Laura Tempest Zakroff

Author photo by Carrie Meyer

Author photo by Carrie Meyer

Author photo by Carrie Meyer

About Laura Tempest Zakroff


An artist, author, and fusion bellydance performer, Rhode Island-based Renaissance Witch Laura Tempest Zakroff is a simmering cauldron of talents and projects. 

She penned the award-winning “Sigil Witchery,” as well as a library’s worth of tomes on modern witchcraft. A professionally trained visual artist as well, her talent in weaving meaning into design shines through in her oracle decks, which feature her original mystical folklore-inspired artwork.  Her musical collaborations and transcendent dance round out the performance layer of her multidimensional artistry. 

Although her craft may cover a wide range, she ties it all together as a steadfast mentor in modern witchcraft. She is a facilitator of social change for witches and pagans, and founded the grassroots movement We Are Aradia to inspire others to take a stand through both magical and mundane activism. The many events and festivals she has produced have done much to educate the public and foster community among modern witches everywhere. Tempest’s “Witchual Workout” videos help foster physical and energetic strength through ritually-inspired movement. Come, watch her weave the threads of visual, auditory, verbal, and somatic art into a movement to take back our power as witches.