Election Protection Sigil

Election Protection Sigil by LTZ
This sigil is designed to help safeguard an election from external tampering and to thwart those seeking to interfere with the democratic process.

What Elements Went into the Sigil

  • Focus on community mental health/sanity
  • Accessibility/end to voter repression/suppression
  • Peaceful transition of power at all levels
  • Fair and honest results quickly/truth empowered
  • Freedom for all, benefiting the greater good, positive outcome
  • Clarity and transparency
  • Justice
  • Protection from outside influences/tampering/obstruction
  • Laying the groundwork leading to future progress/reunification/healing

Suggestions for Use

Draw or carve this sigil on a candle (white or blue is suggested) and burn it during the time when an election is taking place. Use this sigil to bless polling places and drop-off boxes (invisibly). You can adorn the body with it in subtle ways (if you’re heading out to vote or working the polls).